The Oxford Dictionary explains dynamite as "a high explosive consisting of nitroglycerine mixed with an absorbent material and typically molded into sticks." Nature has its own powerful dynamite called essential oils! The Bible refers to precious oils 188 times. Additionally, in ancient times, oils and spices had great value. Essential oils are the super concentration of a plant, seed, peelings, bark, fruit, or root.

Plants and fruits are full of benefits which they produce such as fragrance, antioxidants, anti-fungal protection, and anti-bacterial protection. These plants and fruits have protective benefits from the sun and pests. Zoe Provisions has focused its skincare line on these amazing benefits found in nature that propels our skincare into the transformation of your skin!

Focusing on some specific essential oils, citrus essential oils have special properties, one of them is Vitamin P, which helps circulation from a microscopic level by oxygenating capillary beds. This process helps the body recover quicker from stress. Also, citrus essential oils have anti-microbial properties that stunt of the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Better circulation means healthier skin resulting in brighter skin, smoother skin, and a reduction of wrinkles. Orange essential oil has anti-spasmodic properties that helps to draw out metabolic waste which if not disposed of can cause spasms. The essential oils of cinnamon and clove are power packed of antioxidants and decreases inflammation at the cellular level.

Zoe Tip: Before applying your Zoe Skincare Products to your face with your clean hand, such as your Zoe Facial Serum, take a moment to breathe in our different Zoe life scents of our unique essential oil combinations, {Hayat, Liv, Vida, Vita or Zivot}, then apply it onto your skin in circular motions for your Zoe Skin Transformation. This Zoe Experience will be like smelling a luxurious bouquet of flowers and you will reap the amazing benefits of Zoe Provisions Skincare!

Zoe Provisions provides royal skin nutrition and brings heaven to your skin! Presently, Zoe Provisions uses twenty different essential oils in our Zoe Skincare Line. Discover how essential oils cannot only transform your skin but your life and stay connected to Zoe Provisions!